Have you ever witnessed a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) seemingly expelling hot steam?
You likely observed a natural phenomenon known as “transpiration”!

Transpiration, a necessary life process for all trees (and plants), is the process by which water and nutrients are pulled from the roots to the leaves, providing access to the water required for photosynthesis and other vital functions.
Redwood transpiration can be quite dramatic. Like the appearance of hot breath on a cold day, it’s almost as if the trees themselves are breathing! Can you believe that a single large redwood tree is capable of transpiring up to 500 gallons to water per day?
Why do we only see transpiration when it's sunny?
Light energy is required for the process of transpiration. Sunlight stimulates the “stomata” on tree leaves—or the tiny pores through which water vapor escapes (and carbon dioxide enters for photosynthesis). Water is drawn up through specialized tissues in the tree’s trunk called “xylem”, and the result is an increase in water loss during daylight hours. As water travels up the trunk, minor amounts of vapor can also be lost through the tree bark, especially after heavy rains.
By transpiring large amounts of water, redwood trees help cool the surrounding forest environment—a critical survival tactic for withstanding California’s dry summer months.
Did you know that redwoods are also capable of making rain?
A redwood tree’s specialized upper leaves can absorb moisture from fog, condense that fluid into drops, and subsequently rain the droplets down onto the forest floor below.
Redwoods are some truly fascinating ancient wonders!
In closing, here are some videos of redwood transpiration in action:
Save the Redwoods - Treetop Drought: https://www.savetheredwoods.org/blog/treetop-drought/#:~:text=Naturally%20occurring%20evaporation%20out%20of,the%20University%20of%20California%2C%20Berkeley
Sempervirens Club - Redwood Facts: https://sempervirens.org/learn/redwood-facts/#7
Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-large-trees-such-a/#:~:text=%22In%20reality%2C%20the%20suction%20that,drawing%20water%20from%20adjacent%20cells
Survivors Through Time - Cal State Parks: https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=24728